Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Long Day Ahead!

So it's Maundy Thursday today.

Maundy Thursday is the Thurday before Good Friday, and this is also the day where, about 2000 years ago, The Last Supper happened.

So it's tradition that Catholics all over the world (well, in Singapore at least) visit various churches to pray and prepare themselves for the death of Christ, which happens on Good Friday, where he was crucified. (This is why we have the cross.)

Good Friday also marks the highest point of Lent, where Christians are supposed to make sacrifices for about 40 days, in preparation of Easter, the coming of Christ.

So we Catholics normally try and stay low on Good Friday. Meaning, no TV, no holidays, no fun, and sometimes maybe fasting. It's not compulsory, but we try.

And then, when Easter comes, everybody goes crazy again!

Just a little bit of info, in case you didn't know what Good Friday was about. I remember someone once asked me, "why is this Friday so good?" Hahaha.

Anyhoos, I've got a long day ahead. And I'd still like to hit the churches after I'm done with work, so. Have a nice day. See you at night!

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